Sweet As A Nut

An odd expression. Nut’s aren’t overly sweet; there are far sweeter things in the world that could be used here. Let’s coin a phrase – sweet as a cider in summer. Alas, the summer is now quite clearly over. Hurricanes are pelting the world and meanwhile in Britain we are thinking our usual thoughts: What about us? Boris is in the news for being Boris, May is in Canada and someone tried to blow a train up with a bucket in a bag. And that’s about the extent of BBC News for the past few days.

Anyway, that’s current afairs out of the way. Far more interestingly, and relevantly, my version of the book (so far – I’m practicing editing for when the real time comes) we’re up and past 35k words. This is actually pretty huge as it means I’ve been contributing way more than I initially thought, and as a result that we will have a longer book. Current predictions put us past 80k, possibly above 100k. I’d be dancing on the roof if we got over 100k – we aren’t likely to get published with that many for a first novel but it gives us plenty of options for what to cut. Craggy and his Ibex Kane are firmly in the book now, so I’m floating well above content.

Life otherwise is also closer to perfect than it’s been in a long time. All of a sudden I have acquired a huge network of people backing me for a promotion at work. When I do my rounds, I constantly have people asking me if there’s any news yet, and wishing me well. It’s close to overwhelming. I dread to think the conversations if I don’t get it. But I always think ahead, and I’ve always got a contingency. That bit is easy – the real brainy people kick in with their back up contingencies.

I had a moment of reflection earlier today regarding being an organised and forward thinking person – my flat mate is the purest personification of a polar opposite. He was talking about something or other to me the other day and I caught myself lost in the thought of how I would have prepared myself for the situation he is in. In other ways also, he is I believe the furthest away from an organised or efficient person that I have ever met. And I’ve met a lot of people! Perhaps that’s a good subject for a one-off blog; I’ll keep it in mind for when I feel nostalgic. Usually around times of change, when we move on to another stage of life.

All of a sudden I seem to also have a silver tongue and have women practically chasing me, at least relative to my usual love life. I put it down to perhaps not expanding my vocabulary, but being better able to articulate myself vocally, due to writing. I do need some vocab expansion though – there’s only so many times you can use the same big, fancy sounding words. Perhaps it’s through months of rigorous (oh who am I kidding – mediocre at best) social research. I came to the realization that through years of staying in and playing games during childhood I missed out and am a few years behind in social skills. It’s a problem I identified and highlighted as something I could change.

It’s not a dazzling or a major change but it helps; I notice it most every day. And also, if nothing else, it’s a good practice: identify – work out how to improve – improve. Good. Very Good. So I’m now going to try and clear my thoughts of all the women I would like to woo, dismiss all niggles about the book, and eradicate any other thoughts in the hope that I can drift off smoothly and comfortably into a deep and refreshing slumber.

Yeah, small chance of that.

*Curious face* – I just realized a fault in another expression. I typed ‘fat chance’ above first. But fat by definition (in this context) means large. So what you are saying is ‘large chance’. To back that up, other versions of the expression are, as used above, ‘small chance’, ‘slim chance’. See what I mean?

Right. Off to bed, to lay there and stew about various thoughts until one leads me off to dreamy sleepy nighty snoozy snooze.

(If you got that reference, thumbs up.)

Cheers, Joseph.

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